Employing People

Dismissing staff and redundancies

Calculate your employee’s statutory redundancy pay

Employer calculator – calculate your employee’s statutory redundancy payment

Handling staff resignations

How employers must handle written and verbal staff resignations, business transfers and redundancy pay

Handling an employee’s grievance

Handling employees’ grievances at work – setting up a grievance procedure, holding a grievance hearing and managing appeals

Being taken to an employment tribunal by an employee

Employer guide to employment tribunals – the hearing, your responsibilities, compensation and appeals

Taking disciplinary action against an employee

Disciplinary rules and procedures to deal with poor performance and conduct

Dismissing staff

How to dismiss staff fairly, working within dismissal rules and dealing with dismissals relating to whistleblowing

Making staff redundant

Rules employers must follow when making staff redundant – consultations, notice periods, compulsory and non-compulsory redundancy and redundancy pay

Solve a workplace dispute

Grievances and disciplinary action at work can be solved by informal discussions, formal procedures, mediation, conciliation or arbitration


Whistleblowing is when a worker reports suspected wrongdoing at work – whistleblowing process and a protection worker’s from dismissal

This section “Dismissing Staff and Redundancies” contains public sector information licensed  under the Open Government Licence v2.0.

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