Employing People

Contracts of Employment and Employer Responsibilities

Useful Definitions

People often use certain terms when discussing staff contracts etc. Here are some useful explanations:

Employment contracts

A contract is an agreement between employee and employer setting out implied and explicit terms and conditions – written statement of particulars, collective agreements, it is often used interchangeably with Written Statement of Employment.

Contract types and employer responsibilities

There are different contract types: full-time, part-time, fixed term, agency workers, consultants, zero hours, family members, volunteers and young workers

Employment status

Employment status (worker, employee, self-employed, director or contractor) affects employment rights and employer responsibilities in the workplace

Continuous employment

This is the period of time an employee has worked continuously for one employer.

Fixed-term employment contracts

Fixed Term Contracts are contracts which have a specified end date, there are often used for specific projects.

Flexible working

Can include working from home, term-time working, part-time working etc.


Discrimination policy and equal opportunities in the workplace – sex discrimination, disabled workers, older people, compulsory retirement

Maximum weekly working hours

Working time directive and maximum weekly working hours including how to calculate your weekly working hours and working time limits if you’re a young worker

Part-time workers’ rights

Part-time workers shouldn’t be treated less favourably than full-time workers; employers’ responsibilities and what part-time workers can do if they’re treated unfairly

Overtime: your rights

Overtime law – what is overtime, overtime pay, employee rights, part-time workers and time off in lieu

Sunday working

The rules for working on Sundays, opt in, opt out arrangements, rules for shop and betting shop workers

Anti-bribery policy

Protect yourself and your business by putting in place an anti-bribery policy for those who work for you and on your behalf

Employer relocation: your rights

When employers move, employees with mobility clauses, what happens with redundancies, compensation, disputes and company takeovers

Night working hours

The rules on working hours – hour and limits, rests, health assessments and terms and conditions

Rest breaks at work

Workers’ rights to rest breaks at work – length of breaks, how your age affects rest breaks, exceptions to the rules for shift workers, young people, and drivers

Workplace bullying and harassment

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