
UK Shared Prosperity Fund

Cumberland UK SPF


Developing your value proposition

Dates: Thursdays 2nd May, 16th May, 6th June & 20th June (4 session programme)
Time: 10am to 1pm
Venue: Online

‘The customer is king’ is an adage that businesses are urged to work to.  But how do you do you achieve this?  This is a 4-workshop programme that takes place every 2 weeks.  Why every two weeks?  Well we want you to apply the tools that we will provide you and report back on how it has gone.

Therefore, the programme will be discussion based and encourage you to challenge the assumptions you are making on your business and find out as much information as you can on your customer, what they want and when they want it.  Your peers will be there to be the constructive critics.

We will be using interactive tools on developing your value proposition and testing your issues.  Each week we will explore a different aspect of the value you are seeking to offer and undertake research on it with you target customer base.

This programme is aimed at both those in business who want to take stock and those looking to establish a business.

Become an Entrepreneur by age 25

Dates: Fridays 3rd May, 10th May, 17th May & 24th May (4 session programme)
Time: 2pm to 5pm
Venue: Online

Want to Run your own business?  Not sure what to focus on or where to start?

No problem! Successful businesses don’t always have clarity in mind when they start – what they do have is a vision for making the life of a customer better and build their business through the mindset they adopt. That’s what drives them to chase down opportunities and strive for success.

This isn’t your traditional business start-up course which is often about process.  This is about you!  We start with your purpose, your passions and your skills and explore how these can be developed to help form a successful business.

This is a 4-week interactive online programme that starts with identifying your passion and how you create a business focused on a target customer. You will share thoughts and ideas with like-minded course members through the workshops, an approach that has been shown to build confidence and optimise your learning. We also aim to make the sessions both creative and enjoyable.

We will challenge you to refine and develop your ideas and build the foundations for a sustainable business.

You will leave inspired and motivated to create a business that drives you to be that successful entrepreneur.

Starting a retail business

Dates: Mondays 3rd June, 10th June, 17th June and 24th June (4 session programme)
Time: 10am to 1pm
Venue: Online

Discover the key to successful retailing with a dynamic, 4-week training program, tailored specifically for aspiring entrepreneurs and shop owners.

The programme is an interactive one that guides you through the essentials of retail set up and management, gathering local market dynamics, and customer engagement strategies.

Through the weekly blend of workshops will provide you with relevant case studies and tools to think about the develop the offer.  You will gain knowledge and tools to launch, market and grow your retail business.

Whether you’re eyeing a quaint boutique or a bustling storefront, our programme provides first step towards turning your retail dream into reality. Embrace the opportunity to thrive in Cumbria’s vibrant market landscape.

Elevate your start-up strategy with our Business Model Canvas session

Date: Monday 10th June 2024
Time: 9.30am to 3.30pm
Price: Fully funded by Cumbria Community Foundation
Venue: The Guild, Abbey Street, Carlisle

Unleash the full potential of your start-up at our exclusive Business Model Canvas session. This in-person, intensive workshop led by Jacqui Jackson & Keith Jackson (Thomas Jardine & Co) is tailored to sharpen your business strategy for success.

Dive deep into the Business Model Canvas with interactive exercises and expert guidance. At the end of the session, you will:

  • Know your customer
  • Know what type of relationship you want with your customer
  • Know the value you add
  • Know how you will communicate with customers
  • Know who could help you build your business
  • Know what your key activities will be
  • Know the costs involved
  • Know if you’re charging for everything you need to

You will take away your own business plan in the form of an A1 Business Model Canvas for hands-on application as you move your business forward. You’ll also get the opportunity will network and brainstorm with fellow entrepreneurs in large and small group settings and finally walk away empowered with refined strategies to drive your start-up forward.

There are only 10 places available so book fast!

To book onto any of the above contact Lesley Robinson at