Motorway at night


Step 4: Meet The Buyer Event

Meet the Buyer Event

Booths ‘meet the buyer’ event is held every three months at their head office in Preston.

It’s an informal event, however, it is fast paced with only 15 minutes allocated to present your pitch.

It is therefore, critical that you are well prepared and use your time well.

Get pitch perfect and ensure a yes outcome. Call the Growth Hub on 0844 257 84 50 or email to access a range of support.

From this point, there are three possible outcomes: yes, maybe or no.

Yes: You’ll be invited back to a more formal meeting with the buyer to discuss the fine details of doing business together.

Maybe: We will provide you with recommendations and advise you of the next steps you need to make.

No: We’ll explain why you’ve been unsuccessful.

You’ll be notified of the buyer’s decision within 7 days of the meeting.

The date of the next ‘meet the buyer’ event can be found here.

Check out what the Growth Hub Business Support can offer you.

Growth Hub Business Support :  0844 257 84 50