Motorway at night


Help into Mentoring programme launches

Cumbria Business Growth Hub is pleased to launch the Help into Mentoring Programme, designed to support 50 individuals thinking about or looking to start their own business or young businesses in the early stages of trading.

With a whole range of support available, you can choose from any of the below:

  • 20hrs of one to one mentoring support through one of our five mentors
  • Personalised client journey
  • Introduction to self-employment workshop
  • Free training courses on topics such as business planning, personal resilience, branding, marketing, social media channels, sales & pricing….
  • Four day business start-up course
  • Free webinars
  • A network of peer support from like-minded individuals
  • Free online resources
  • Signposting to other business support programmes and available funding

To register interest you need to provide basic information on your business idea/activity, what you expect to achieve from working with a mentor and any particular areas of support you feel a mentor could provide. Your details will then be shared with the mentor team who will decide who they are best placed to support and can offer the most value to. To register your interest please email  – funding restrictions apply.

Our mentors are Collette Butterworth, Dave Porthouse, Jen Braithwaite, Justine Douglas, and Rachel Gaw. All have their own different areas of specialism, interest and expertise.

This programme is funded by Cumberland Council, Copeland Community Fund and Sellafield Ltd.

If you don’t fit into the above programme we do run a mentoring programme which is chargeable – Pilot Mentoring Programme – Cumbria Growth Hub. We have a team of 7 highly qualified and experienced mentors on this programme offering 6 months of support.