Motorway at night


Can we give your business a helping hand?

Cumbria Business Growth Hub has been given funding from Allerdale Borough Council and Copeland Borough Council to deliver a business support programme through UKSPF (Shared Prosperity Funding).

There’s a great range of new support programmes on offer, many not currently available in Cumbria.

Our first new programme is High Performance FLOW –  an exciting, inspirational, and highly practical programme that enables hard working business leaders to breakthrough to their next level of growth and performance.

Structured around the High Performance FLOW Framework, a series of four interactive and high energy workshops that provide you with the proven tools and techniques required to breakthrough to your next level of growth and performance.

  • 26 April: High Performance You: becoming the best version of yourself (guest speaker: Gary McKee who ran 365 marathons in 365 days raising over £1 million for Macmillan Cancer Support and Hospice at Home)
  • 10 May: High Performance Teams: developing high performance in others (guest speaker: Roger Smith MD, Thomas Graham)
  • 24 May: High Performance Business: embedding performance culture & business models
  • 7 June: High Performance Plan: creating a plan that everyone is energised about delivering (guest speaker: Paul Simpson, Carlisle United Manager,)

All workshops are held between 9:30 am and 4pm at Energus, Workington, CA14 4JW (lunch and refreshments provided) – you need to be able to commit to all four sessions with only 5 places remaining.

Find out more by clicking here and watching the promotional video.

We’re also just working to finalise the below delivery options (further details will follow) and we’ll add details to our dedicated website page

  • Introduction to self-employment workshops
  • Entrepreneur & young business programme
  • Green/low carbon audits
  • Workshops delivered through Cumbria Tourism
  • An online benchmarking tool
  • A two-day immersive deep dive for business leaders which will provide tangible actions to build resilient business models with their peers
  • Free training/webinars

The catch is activity only runs from now until the end of June so you need to be quick to access support. Anyone interested in taking advantage of this fully funded support please email or, you can also call 0845 226 0040.