Motorway at night


Funding and useful resources


GSK Enterprise Fund – grant scheme reopened

Cumbria Chamber is reopening the GSK Enterprise Fund to reallocate funds from grants previously awarded to businesses who, owing to the challenges of the past few years, have not been able to fully use the funding.

The fund offers grants to businesses in the LA post code areas of Cumbria for projects which will lead to the creation or safeguarding of permanent jobs.

We currently have at least £75k to allocate to businesses.

The first step is to submit an Expression of Interest form which you can find here. 


The City Centre Business Growth Grant

Following the success of the Business Growth Grant pilot scheme, Carlisle City Council have approved a new round of grant funding to support SMEs looking to occupy vacant properties within the City Centre.

The grant aims to support SME businesses in Carlisle through these challenging times and it is recognised that businesses will need the confidence to invest in the City Centre, this grant will help support businesses in their start up whilst contributing to City Centre vitality.

The grant will provide up to £2,500 (£5,00 for strong cases) for businesses occupying vacant space in Carlisle City Centre. The award of the grant is subject to an appraisal process. Criteria can be found here along with the Expression of Interest form.

Cumbria Business Growth Hub has a team of business advisers on hand to help with the EOI and any subsequent applications – to arrange support please email


Eden District Council – Eden Apprenticeship Scheme

If you’re a business based in the Eden district and looking at the apprenticeship route, then a grant worth up to £2,000 may be the answer. The grant is available to companies for both new and existing employees who are taking on an apprenticeship qualification.

Available to businesses in all sectors, to date the grant has supported over 60 apprentices with courses including business administration, engineering, care services, hospitality and many more.

For further information email or visit


Employers: The New Starter Checklist

This interactive guidance from HMRC is now live and will help new employees give you the correct information to ensure you apply the most appropriate tax code.

The new guidance will help avid postage costs, incorrect tax being applied, saving employees and employers time and less contact with HMRC.

Click here for more information


Procurement opportunity

Allerdale Borough Council are looking to appoint a supplier for the refurbishment of 1 Senhouse Street in Maryport. The contract is for approximately 14 weeks with an intended commencement date in December 2022 for completion by April 2023.

Further details can be found at the Councils procurement platform ‘The Chest’ with a submission deadline of 11am on 14th November.


Vodafone offers free broadband

Vodafone is offering free business broadband for a year to help small businesses manage rising business costs. The support package offers Vodafone’s broadband free for 12 months on a 24-month plan. It is available to all small businesses, as well as existing Vodafone Business customers who are eligible to upgrade. The support package is open to applications until 24 November 2022.

Read more about the support package at:


More businesses included in Energy Bill Relief Scheme

The Government has expanded the eligibility criteria for the Energy Bill Relief Scheme. Businesses that renewed their contracts at any point after 1 December 2021 will now be eligible for support (this was previously 1 April 2022). Details of the energy price cap for businesses in Northern Ireland and other non-domestic users have also been published.

Read more about the expansion at:


Wellbeing courses for small businesses

Three Business has partnered with the Samaritans to provide a Building Wellbeing and Resilience course for small business owners. The free online course will provide small business owners with practical strategies to strengthen their personal resilience and enhance their wellbeing.

Read more about the course at:


Nominations wanted for new Inspiring Eden Awards

To recognise excellence and innovation within the Eden economy a new business award is being launched in conjunction with the Inspiring Eden economic development programme run by Eden District Council.

The new award has been launched to recognise excellence and innovation in the local economy.

Twelve awards have been designed and produced and will be used to recognise the organisations and individuals in Eden that demonstrate a strong commitment to achieving rural excellence within the local economy.

To nominate, an individual or business for an Inspiring Eden Award please complete the Inspiring Eden Award Nomination form and email it to :

Nominations can be submitted from now until the end of February 2023.  Successful award winners will be contacted by EDC.


Inspiring Eden – Helping Eden’s Economy to recover and thrive

Inspiring Eden has been setup to help local business and communities grasp the many challenges and opportunities faced and as a result drive economic recovery and thrive once more. Front and centre to Inspiring Eden is a range of business support offers that over time will evolve to ensure the current and emerging needs are met and the full potential of recovery is harnessed.

The current key services provided by Eden District Council’s Economic Development Team include:

  • Free business advice and signposting to sources of information and funding
  • Sector specific advice
  • Greening Eden for Business initiative
  • Eden Apprenticeship Scheme
  • Free membership of a local business support network (Cumbria Chamber of Commerce is included)
  • Access to support young people into employment via Eden Youth Hub
  • Access to Eden business loan scheme

To find out more click here.


Royal Academy of Engineering – Regional Talent Engines Programme

Open: 21 November 2022 – 23rd January 2023

This six month, tailored programme supports aspiring engineering and technology entrepreneurs. The programme is designed for upcoming business founders at the early stage of their journey, to transform great ideas into new engineering solutions. The Royal Academy of Engineering can help get your business off the ground and ready to pursue further growth.

Applications close on 23rd January for the next programme starting in March 2023.

Click here to find out more about the programme or to register your interest.


Be the Business Spark Sessions: Strategy, skills, and leadership for successful digital change

With a challenging economic environment, the digitisation of your business is more important than ever – but it’s often hard to know what the right approach is.

Digital change is now key in responding to the interruption of work and business brought on by the pandemic and other economic pressures.

That’s why Be the Business are running further Spark Sessions at the end of November and in December on digital change. Building on the insight of a technology expert, and with the guidance of a session facilitator, you’ll be part of a small group of business leaders from companies of a similar size – brought together in a relaxed, informal and highly valuable format. Together, you’ll discuss the three largest barriers to digitisation that business leaders most often encounter:

Understanding and creating a digital strategy for your business

Skills needed for successful digital change

Good leadership and management practices to support digital change

Jacqui & Keith Jackson from Thomas Jardine & Co will be facilitating these events with technology experts brought in from the Be the Business network

For more details and to sign up go to:

Spark Sessions: Strategy, skills, and leadership for successful digital | Be The Business


Making Tax Digital reminder

From 1 November 2022, VAT-registered businesses must use Making Tax Digital (MTD) compatible software for their VAT returns. Businesses that file their VAT returns on a quarterly or monthly basis will no longer be able to submit them using their existing VAT online account, unless HMRC has agreed they are exempt from MTD.

Read more about MTD here