
Deal or no deal?

The UK Government is committed to delivering Brexit on October 31, with or without a deal.

If we have a no-deal Brexit, there will be no transitional arrangements after the UK leaves the EU. The impacts on your business and trading arrangements will be immediate.

The Government’s official advice on no-deal planning here.

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy has published sector-specific primers on no-deal planning.

Please follow the links for: food and drinkfarming, fisheries, vets, automotiveaerospace, construction, oil and gas production, retail, space, professional and business services, chemicals, consumer goods, electronics, machinery and parts, electricity sector, gas markets, nuclear, life sciences, research and innovation, parcel delivery services, steel and metal manufacturing, and non-metal manufacturing.

There’s specific information road hauliers here, a checklist here and details here of ECMT international road haulage permits required for journeys between ECMT member countries.

For detailed information on international trade after a no-deal Brexit, see our dedicated section on trade, tariffs and migration here.

However, for convenience, we summarise the most useful links for businesses that import or export here:

  • HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has issued guidance on VAT if UK leaves without a deal. Click here.
  • HMRC has compiled guides on trading with the EU in the event of no deal. Click here.
  • Click here for official guidance on importing from the EU in the event of a no-deal Brexit and here for guidance on exporting to the EU.
  • HMRC has also produced videos on importing and exporting in a no-deal scenario, and an hour-long webinar on no-deal planning. Click here.
  • Every business will need an EORI number to move goods into or out of the EU after Brexit if there is no deal. HMRC is assigning an EORI number automatically to all VAT-registered businesses. If your business is not VAT-registered, you still need to register here.
  • After getting an EORI number, businesses need to decide how to make customs declarations. Traders can complete these themselves or employ a customs agent to do this. Click here for information from HMRC on customs declarations for imports and here for exports, and here for details of grants for IT and staff training.
  • The Department for International Trade (DIT) has published details of tariffs that will apply to imports in the event of a no-deal Brexit. Click here. The full Tariff Reference document, listing every tariff is here. Click here for guidance on trading under Word Trade Organisation (WTO) rules that would apply under a no-deal Brexit.
  • DIT also has information on providing services to EU, EEA and EFTA countries in a no-deal scenario.
  • Click here for guidance on placing manufactured on the EU internal market in the event of a no-deal Brexit. For importers, there’s information here on placing manufactured goods on the UK market.
  • The Government hopes to roll-over other international agreements that we participate in as a member of the EU. Sector-specific information here.

Click here for passport rules for travel to the EU in the event of a no-deal Brexit and here for information on driving in the EU. There’s specific information for lorry and goods vehicle drivers here and for bus and coach operators here. For guidance on operating coach tours and holidays under a no-deal scenario click here.

If you bring goods into or take goods out of the UK in your baggage or a small motor vehicle after a no-deal Brexit, and intend to use them for business, you must declare your goods and pay import duty and VAT before you move them across the border. More information here.

Click here for information on mobile phone roaming in the EU in the event of no deal.

Click here for information for e-commerce retailers in the event of no deal and here for guidance for businesses with .eu domain names.

Click here for information on geo-blocking for e-commerce retailers under no deal.

Click here for information for businesses on consumer rights in the event of no deal.

Click here for information on labelling for footwear manufacturers and retailers and here for textile manufacturers and retailers.

Click here for information governing air services and air freight between the UK and EU after no deal.

The Health and Safety Executive has published advice here on working with chemcials after a no-deal Brexit and advice here for businesses that produce pesticides.

The Ministry of Justice has issued advice for legal services businesses here, for EU lawyers operating in the UK here and for UK lawyers practising in the EU here.

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport has issued guidance for creative and sports businesses.  Click here.

The Ministry of Defence has issued advice for the defence sector here.

The Cabinet Office has published advice on the impact of a no-deal Brexit on public procurement. Click here.

The Department of Health has issued advice for adult social care providers here.

HM Treasury has issued advice to banking, insurance and financial services businesses here.

The Department for Education has published advice for education and apprenticeship providers here.

Businesses that receive personal data from partners or suppliers in EU or EEA countries they must act now to ensure they can still do so legally after Brexit. Personal data is any information that can be used to identify someone. More information here.

Click here for advice from the Information Commissioner’s Office on managing data. The Information Commissioner, Elizabeth Denham, has also written a myth-busting blog on how a no-deal Brexit would affect the flow of personal data.

Finally, if you can’t find what you’re looking for above, the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales has  compiled a useful Brexit resource with links to official advice and expertise from law and HR specialists. Click here.

And for a concise overview of no-deal planning, Cumbrian accountancy firm Lamont Pridmore has produced a seven-page guide here.

Cumbria Chamber of Commerce recently held a workshop on no-deal planning with law firm Muckle LLP. That’s TV  Cumbria (Freeview Channel 8) came along to report on the event: