Motorway at night


Free training, events and webinars

Coming up through Cumbria Business Growth Hub we’ve got the below free webinars.

Effective performance management webinar with Michael Bauer of Cumbria Employment Solicitors

Date: 25th May 2023
Time: 10am to 11am
Venue: Online

Managing poor performance is key to an effective organisation. It sets the tone, pushes productivity and generally keeps standards at the level needed for successful and competitive organisations. However, it is often handled badly, with limited conviction or not at all.

Effective performance management is much easier than you would think and employment law is on your side.

This practical and “can-do” session will give you a grounding in the key issues by covering:

  • How employment law gives managers the upper hand when tackling under-performance
  • Guidance on carrying out a formal performance review process

In essence, the session will show you how to tackle under-performing staff and generally get the best out of your staff with the minimum of risk, hassle and cost.

Working from Home and Hybrid Working – Key Employment Law Issues/Solutions

Date: 21st June 2023
Time: 10am to 11am
Venue: online

Post-pandemic, working from home and hybrid working are increasingly common. Such working arrangements have their advantages (both for employer and employee) but also their risks and particular compliance issues.

Ensuring that the key issues arising from such arrangements are properly covered – both practically and from a contractual/policy perspective is key to success but also, if problems arise, to effective management for the employer.

This practical and “can-do” session will give you a grounding in the key issues by covering:

  • The key employment law compliance issues when staff work from home fully or on a hybrid basis
  • Practical arrangements that will give you the best chance of such arrangements succeeding and the upper hand if there are problems

To book your place email – eligibility criteria does apply.

Through our Business Start-Up Support programme, any new entrepreneur or business under three years of trading can book onto the below free training.

Build a website in a day

Date: 13th June 2023
Time: 10am to 3pm
Venue: Online

Almost half of the businesses in the UK are still without websites. With more people turning to Google to find the services and products, they are looking for many of these businesses that are missing the opportunities to be found. Having a website for your business or organisation means that you have the ability to communicate and promote your services 24 hours a day and to the entire world, but many worry about the expense and expertise required to get started online.

This one day WordPress Training workshop is designed to give complete beginners the skills they need to build and manage a website using the WordPress content management system.

By the end of this workshop you will know:

  • How to register and setup a WordPress website
  • What the difference between a post and a page is, and how to write them
  • Handy plugins and widgets that will make your site more effective
  • What premium themes and other paid-for options are available
  • Simple promotional tips to stand out

To book your place email  or call 0844 257 84 50.

How to decarbonise your business

24th May – 9.30am to 2pm – Rheged

We all know that decarbonising our business is important and can offer some great cost savings, but where do you start?

With Cumbria having an ambition of achieving net zero by 2037, what organisations need is their own road map to decarbonisation. However, without being an expert it’s hard to know what the best interventions would be for your business.

The Lake District Foundation are looking to share the learnings of the Low Carbon Lake District Grants Scheme to give ideas, inspiration, but above all some pretty solid figures, to allow you to better map your own journey to net zero.

Click here to book your place

Congress of Business

24 May  – 9.30 am – 3.30 pm  – FREE | hybrid event  – In-person event at Engine Works, 23-25 Lochburn Road Glasgow G20 9AE

With all eyes on Glasgow, COP26 brought an unprecedented turnout from business to commit to act on climate change, resulting in the formation of The Glasgow Climate Pacts. Though enormous strides were made, the ongoing leadership role of businesses and cities will be key to accelerating real change.

This May, COB will continue to shift the dial on climate action through a series of purpose led discussions and networking sessions.

With an initial focus on the finance and food sectors, COB will unite businesses to tackle climate change and unlock the necessary investment to reach the targets of the Glasgow Pacts.

During this business-led hybrid festival, guests will hear from a suite of thought leaders, market disruptors and business leaders who are driving forward the climate agenda.

To find out more click here

The Department for Business and Trade has a great range of foundation modules, intensive series, masterclasses, sector, and market specific events coming up in May.

  1. Go global with Amazon: Emerging markets in Europe – 23rd May 10am to 11am
  2. How you can use social media to drive your international growth – 24th May
  3. Get your business export ready for North America – 25th May – 3pm to 4pm
  4. Social selling – Top tips for using social media effectively to reach a global audience – 31st May

For more details and to join just register here –

Carlisle Citadels – Meet the buyer event

We’re looking for construction related contractors/suppliers who would be interested in attending a meeting the buyer event with Sir Robert McAlpine.

Taking place on Tuesday 13th June at the Carlisle Station Hotel (in the ballroom) from 9am to 2pm this event is a great opportunity to find out more about how you can become part of the £75m supply chain through a two year programme with a commencement on site date of Jan 2024 but potentially early start date of October 2023.

Anyone interested in attending should email