Motorway at night


Free training and support for businesses in Allerdale and Copeland

Thanks to funding through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund we’re running some great free training courses for businesses in Allerdale & Copeland. We’re also offering low carbon/green support through Cumbria Action for Sustainability.

Training currently being delivered (more to be scheduled in)

Branding and marketing for established SMEs

Date: 30th May 2023
Time: 10am to 1pm
Venue: Online

How to ensure your brand reflects your established business and that you have the right digital marketing plan for growth.

This is a great session for established businesses to understand how to review or revisit their brand and marketing strategies to reflect their current business and allow for growth and relevance in the future. Whether you are a small established business or a large organisation, attracting and staying in sync with your customers is key for your business success and ensuring your values, messaging and brand positioning are in line with your customer’s needs and can have a huge impact on growth, achieving your goals, internal productivity and staff engagement.

Defining your brand strategy to reflect your business and achieve your goals (1.5hrs)


  • Understanding the difference between brand and branding (logo, colours, fonts)
  • Deep dive into how to define your brand foundations (Your WHY, mission, values, brand positioning, messaging)
  • How to write your own strategy in our interactive brand document
  • How to audit your brand based on your audience and goals

Marketing MOT: Master digital marketing to survive and thrive in this digital world (1.5hrs)

As our lives are becoming increasingly digital, marketing is no longer restricted to ‘one-way’ traditional channels of the past. Your audiences are active across multiple channels and no longer sitting targets waiting for you to get in touch. Actively reach, act, convert and engage with your target audience, to drive growth and revenue.


  • Learn how to review your existing marketing actions and campaigns, to identify where the gaps lie across the customer journey.
  • Learn how to develop a 90-day customer-centred plan to reach, act, convert and engage with your customers
  • Plan your next 90 days of digital marketing activities!

How will it benefit my business?

  • Allow you to review your current marketing activities to identify any gaps
  • Identify the right marketing activities through the right channels for growth
  • Create a 90-day customer-centred plan to reach, act, convert and engage through the customer lifecycle
  • Keep you accountable! Keep your marketing on track and help you reach your goals faster!
  • Monitor progress and measure the success of your actions, so that you can make informed decisions about where to focus your efforts next


How to accelerate business growth

Date: 6th June 2023
Time: 9am to 12noon
Venue: Online

Growth has to be sustainable.  If it isn’t you run out of money, or you can’t find the skill you need or you fail to manage the supply chain.  Any business with an ambition for growth has to consider and plan for these BEFORE growth happens.  They need to have an action plan for growth.

This online 3-hour workshop will explore each of the critical issues that a business needs to consider to facilitate and enable growth:

  • Defining your growth ambitions.
  • Reviewing your business model for scalability.
  • Knowing and developing your culture.
  • Developing for operations manual to create your organisational DNA.
  • Financing your growth.


Productivity, efficiency & time management

Date: 8th June 2023
Time: 10am to 1pm
Venue: Online

  • What does efficiency look like to you?
  • Hints, tips and tricks for increasing and managing productivity
  • Managing your time more effectively
  • Strategy and practicality – why we need both to be effective and efficient


TikTok & Instagram for business

Date: 20th June 2023
Time: 10am to 1pm
Venue: Online

As of last year, 9 out of 10 adults in the UK owned a smartphone, but do you feel you’re using it to its full potential? We’ve come a long way since the days of Nokia 3310s and spending hours playing Snake. The modern smartphone is much more than just a computer in your pocket. It’s a communication tool, and video camera, a podcasting tool and more. In fact, more recent social platforms such as Instagram and TikTok are almost exclusively populated by smartphones and tablet created content, meaning that little device you have in your pocket is key to your entire content marketing strategy.

In this interactive workshop, we will give you everything you need to make full use of your smartphone, to create an Instagram page, launch a TikTok channel and create your first video. If you think TikTok is all dance trends and young people, you couldn’t be more wrong! With the number of users expected to reach 10 million in the UK by the end of this year, it’s a platform that businesses cannot afford to ignore. This session is for businesses, charities or other organisations based in Allerdale & Copeland who’d like to get started on TikTok, or individuals who’d like to develop their digital marketing skills.


To book your place email


We’re also able to fund 2 businesses in Copeland and 2 businesses in Allerdale an energy advice visit plus up to 5 hours of support to identify other opportunities to become a more sustainable business.

Again anyone interested please email

We’re pleased to say our Entrepreneur & young business programme and two day deep dive programme are now fully booked.