Motorway at night


Fully funded training through Cumbria Business Growth Hub

There are still a few places remaining on our last training course of 2022, but don’t worry we’ve a great range of training booked in for January. To book a place email

Embedding data protection in your plans for growth

Date: 12th December 2022
Time: 1pm to 4.30pm
Venue: Online

A  workshop on ensuring that data protection documentation and practices will still be fit for purpose as businesses develop and grow. Each attendee will be guided through their existing policies, procedures and documents to ensure that they will still be compliant with data protection legislation as their business changes. The day will include an interactive project planning exercise that will enable participants to take control of what needs to happen as their business grows rather than coming to data protection as an afterthought.

Content outline:

  • Why data protection in your business may need to change as it grows
  • Whether your role as a data controller or data processor is going to change
  • Necessary changes to documentation and practices
  • Making data protection part of all project planning

Influencer Marketing

Date: 10th January 2023
Time: 9.30am to 12.30pm
Venue: Online

Influencer marketing has matured and evolved and is no longer a marketing strategy just for brands selling products to consumers. Charities, public sector organisations, and B2B businesses are finding ways to utilise influencers to gain awareness, trust, and credibility for their products and services online. That said, people today don’t want to be sold to badly and this applies across all industries. Customers are more switched on and want to feel in control of their purchasing decisions, so it’s incredibly important to assess how influencer marketing can fit into your wider marketing strategy, in line with your business goals and reputation.

If you are new to influencer marketing, naturally you may be asking yourself where you would start and how to know whether influencer marketing could provide a return on investment for your business. Fortunately, influencer marketing has been developing for over a decade now and lots of businesses and organisations have gone before and tested the waters. We’ve seen huge successes as well as glaring failures which we can learn from to refine the approach to influencer marketing and use it strategically and effectively.

In this session from SocialB, you will learn about the influencer marketing landscape and understand the different models of influencer marketing. You will then learn the key steps for planning an influencer campaign and how to navigate the process. Plus, we will share some top tips and things to look out for along the way.

  • The influencer marketing landscape and how it differs from industry to industry
  • What you need in place before starting to work with influencers – knowing your audience, clear brand guidelines, and clear objectives
  • How to research and find the right influencers for your business (paid and free tools)
  • How to develop working relationships with influencers

Building a Brand on Social Media

Date: 18th January 2023
Time: 1.30pm to 4.30pm
Venue: Online

There is no doubt that Social Media should be a tool within every business marketing toolkit, but many businesses still struggle to get past the concept of ‘push’ marketing and using it as a broadcasting tool. Social Media is most effective when it’s an interactive space used to build relationships and turn potential customers into advocates and fans. This workshop is full of tips and examples of how to truly engage on social media, looking at simple methods to increase the effectiveness of your content, and examining the usefulness of paid for services available on various Social Media platforms.

By the end of this workshop you will know:

  • How businesses of varying sizes are using social media
  • Online connections and how to gain them
  • Tips and tricks on business tools available for social media
  • Comparisons of various platforms for effectiveness
  • How to consider social media to boost your business aims

Leadership Resilience – Leaders learning to thrive

Date: 24th January 2023
Time: 9.30am to 12.30pm
Venue: Online

A workshop to raise awareness of, and to look at the impact of, mental health, wellbeing and resilience in the workplace, and how to lead confidently with these topics.

Concepts and tools will be introduced, and strategies explored to enable leaders to develop their knowledge and ability to support themselves and others within their organisations.

Topics covered within this session would include:

  • Creating a climate to thrive
  • Clear communication
  • Mental health
  • Stress
  • Resilience
  • Tools and techniques to support employees

As a result of this workshop participants will be able to:

  • Demystify issues around mental health/illness, stress, and resilience
  • Shift perceptions and address the stigma often associated with unwellness
  • Broaden understanding about stress anxiety and depression and their relation to poor mental health
  • Explore how participants can manage their own stress
  • Gain simple tips and techniques to help keep themselves and others who may be experiencing poor mental health
  • Managing others in times of poor mental health well-being

Back to basics – understanding your accounts

Date: 25th January 2023
Time: 10am to 1pm
Venue: Online

There are three accounting terms you really need to understand when running a business: balance sheet (statement of financial position), profit and loss account (income statement) and cash flow statement

In this three hour, practical, back to basics workshop Maria Ramsdale of Maria Ramsdale Finance Ltd will help you answer questions such as:

  • What is turnover?
  • What are the elements in my cost of sales and how to calculate the margins?
  • What is gross profit?
  • What’s included in my administrative expenses?
  • What is net profit and how to calculate it?
  • How to calculate your stock days and debtor days
  • How much do you really take from your business – understanding dividends
  • How to calculate important KPI’s for your business
  • Can your business pass the Acid Test?
  • Understanding of terms like EBITDA

To book a place on any of the above please email – eligibility criteria does apply.

Our full course schedule can be viewed here and we will be adding more training in the New Year.

For those thinking about starting a business or running a business under 3 years old, we’re also running the below.

Understanding making tax digital and cloud accountancy

Date: 25th January 2023
Time: 1pm to 5pm
Venue: Online

If your accounts are captured on spreadsheets and paper files then HMRC has some big changes coming your way that will impact on the day to day running of your business.

Making Tax Digital (MTD) and cloud accountancy can be confusing and daunting but this half day workshop is designed to take the fear out of these changes and explain how they might actually help your business to prosper in the long run.

The course, which is led by a chartered accountant with 20 years’ experience, covers:

  • What it is and when it starts
  • Who needs to comply with MTD and can it be avoided?
  • What it means in practice – how does it work
  • Cloud accountancy – and other alternatives
  • Software review, expected costs and possible savings
  • Common errors and how to avoid them
  • Corrections after the fact
  • The impact on taxes due and payment dates
  • Working with your accountant (or not)
  • Deadlines and penalties
  • Step by step roadmap to action

Optimising Websites for Lead Generation – making better use of your website

Date: 7th February 2023
Time: 1.30pm to 4.30pm
Venue: Online

The first step when generating leads online is to get your prospects to your website, rather than one belonging to your competitor. Now your potential customers are on your website, the next stage begins…conversion.

This workshop will look at some of the most popular and the most successful techniques for converting website visitors into leads, including optimising your contact forms, convincing CTA’s (calls to action) and how to get the most from your layout.

We will also look at how to create pages with website traffic in mind. You will leave this course with a stronger understanding of how to get customers to your website, and the lead generation strategies that will work for your business.

By the end of this workshop you will know:

  • How we can learn from the lead generation strategies of larger companies
  • Why some websites convert and some don’t
  • Which lead generation techniques are suitable for your business

To book a place email