Motorway at night


What’s on offer through the Department for International Trade?

As well as free events which you can read more about below, DIT are holding one final call for their Internationalisation match funded grant of up to £9,000. Applications are due in by 31st December 2022, so to find out more and take advantage of this free money before it’s too late contact Sarah Peak –

Market Research and Selection – The Key to Export Success

12th December 2022, 10:00 – 14:00

Crown and Mitre Hotel, English St, Carlisle

International market research is an important step to successful export planning. Success or failure can depend on how well you understand your target markets and the potential demand for your product or service. Adopting a structured approach will enable you to make informed decisions, make the best use of your resources and decide on the best market entry strategy for your company. This session will help you define your research objectives, minimise risks, understand market growth, trends and requirements and provide valuable insight into global market opportunities. You will learn about the importance of understanding overseas markets, various types of research and market selection.

You will hear from the UK Export Academy and international market research experts from Mickledore and Institute for Business, Industry and Leadership (University of Cumbria). We also invited Export Champions to share their experience and insights into the topic.

Click here to register: You’ll need to create an account first. To view further details click here.

Here’s a list of our upcoming virtual events on the Export Academy Programme:

Foundation Core Modules – Intensive 2-part Half Day Series:

FOUNDATION COURSE: Part 1 of 2: Introduction to Export – 13 December, 1.30pm to 4pm

FOUNDATION COURSE: Part 2 of 2: Movement of Goods – 14 December, 1.30pm to 4pm

Sector Team Introduction Workshops:

Technology & Smart Cities Team: Sector Overview – 12 December, 2pm to 3pm

Consumer & Retail Sector Overview – 15 December, 10.30am to 11.30am

Creative Industries Sector Overview – 16 December, 10.30am to 11.30am

Masterclass Events:

  • Fashion Network: Exporting Fashion, A Beginners Guide – 15 December, 2pm to 3pm – Please register via Eventbrite – Exporting Fashion A Beginners Guide
  • Introduction to UK Free Trade Agreements – A Masterclass – 9 & 15 December
  • Managing Agents & Distributors – 18 January, 10am to 12noon
  • Intellectual Property 4-part series: Part 4: Resolving infringement disputes and online protection 14 December, 10.30am to 11.30am
  • Digital Marketing – Masterclass Series: Part 4: Getting the most from your E-Commerce platforms – 13 December, 10am to 12noon

For further information on any of the above events, click here