Motorway at night


Events through Cumbria Business Growth Hub

The Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund – Stronger North Roadshow 2022 – Thursday 13th October, 2022 – 12noon to 2.30pm – Castle Green Hotel, Kendal.

This Cumbria event in partnership with Cumbria Business Growth Hub will brief business advisers, SMEs and the professional community on the funding opportunities available and how businesses can access the £500m Fund.

Join us at either venue to hear about:

  • The British Business Bank and how it supports Northwest businesses
  • The impacts of the Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund in the Northwest
  • What funding is available from the Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund
  • Guidance from the NPIF Fund Managers on how to put together a quality application for funding
  • Support available through Cumbria Business Growth Hub

There will be opportunities for networking and talking about the innovative, wide-ranging, and flexible funding packages from the Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund.

You will hear directly from the British Business Bank, the Fund Managers who operate in Cumbria for the Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund and Cumbria Business Growth Hub.

Introduction to sales training – 14th & 21st October 2022 – 9am to 12.30pm – Online

This training is ideal for those who are new to working in a sales environment with little or no sales experience and those who would like to review their existing skills in developing and optimising sales opportunities.
This workshop achieves a balance between theory and actual sales skills practise with expert coaching and guidance. The practice sessions involve all participants in reviewing the skill areas in practical situations, together with the trainer, to ensure maximum feedback and sharing of good practice

Day One

  • Understanding the sales process cycle
  • Development and understanding of sales plans
  • How to question effectively and understand customers’ needs

Day Two

  • Matching customers’ needs and desires to your products and services
  • Presenting and Closing the Sale
Measuring Your Online Success with Google Analytics 19th October 2022 – 9.30am to 12.30pm

If you are investing (time or money) in digital marketing, you need to know what’s working and what isn’t. The great thing about digital marketing is that you can measure and track pretty much everything, but to do this you need to have the right tools set up and know what to look out for. By effectively measuring your digital marketing activity and results, you can identify where you can invest more time or budget, or identify channels that aren’t generating any results and can therefore be taken off your to do list.

This helps you plan and prioritise, and ensure you are getting the most out of your budget and your people.

To get to this stage, we start at the beginning: what should you be measuring and how?

In this session you will learn where to find the key metrics you need to know and how to create a report – either for yourself or someone else – that you can analyse and action to keep improving your digital results. We will mainly focus on Google Analytics among other useful tools, and break down what the data actually means for you in relation to your digital objectives. This session is all about uncovering information, and analysing your progress so that you can make better decisions about the digital marketing activity for your organisation.


  • The value of measuring your digital activity – why you should be tracking your activities
  • Identifying what you need to be measuring based on your objectives
  • Core metrics – from click through rate to bounce rate, traffic sources and more – defining these metrics and which ones are important to you

Effective Measurement:

  • Navigating key tools to measure your activity and progress including Google Analytics
  • Understanding and interpreting the metrics that matter
  • Organising and analysing your findings
  • Reporting – best practices for producing a meaningful and actionable report that shows you what is working well, what can be improved, and how you can start to action your insights to improve results moving forward
Finance Training with Dodd & Co Accountants – Tuesday, 25th October, 2022 – 9.30am – 12.30pm

Designed to provide you with a basic understanding of the most common financial issues relevant to small business entities and companies. This session will focus discussion around the following areas:-

  • General record keeping and discussion of current MTD regulations
  • Calculating profits and considering allowable expenses
  • Thinking about VAT – why and when to register
  • Taking on employees – additional responsibilities of the business owner
  • Taxing business profits – important dates and deadlines
Ensuring your data protection practices are fit for future growth – 27th October 2022 – 9am to 12.30pm – Online

A half day workshop on data protection for businesses looking to develop and grow. Each attendee will be guided through their existing policies, procedures and documents to ensure that they will still be compliant with data protection legislation as their business changes. They will be enabled to make additions, correct any mistakes, recognise omissions and be satisfied that they have the knowledge to ensure compliance with the UK GDPR and Data Protection Act.

Content outline:

  • Why data protection in your business may need to change as it grows
  • Whether your role as a data controller or data processor is going to change
  • Necessary changes to documentation and practices
  • Updating your privacy notices

To book your place on any of the above training email