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The Family Business Network: Family Business Advisory Board Programme

The Family Business Network is a trusted community for collaboration and learning.

With their new FamBiz Programme, businesses can gain support, an outside perspective and business expertise with their Family Business Advisory Board Programme in partnership with Be the Business.

Over a 12-month period, family businesses will work with a non-executive director board made up of senior business leaders from both family and non-family business backgrounds. They will help and support you through challenges and decision making and offer an external perspective, advice and reassurance.


If you’re a family business in the UK, get in touch to find out more or register your interest via

How does it work?

  1. You’ll be paired with a board of business leaders to work with over the course of one year.
  2. You’ll attend a virtual induction event, giving you the opportunity to meet other participants.
  3. You’ll attend online meetings every three months to talk through challenges and gain input. Each meeting is chaired by one of our board members and minutes recorded by a co-ordinator from The Family Business Network.
  4. You’ll identify actions to help move your business forward and will report back to your board for accountability and guidance.
  5. The Family Business Network team will be on hand to support you through the programme.

The investment is £995 plus vat and can be paid in one, two or three monthly instalments.

Hear how previous participants found the programme:

“Participating in the Advisory Board programme was a great way for us to sample how an external influence at board level could benefit our business. The board members were knowledgeable specialists in their field but above all friendly and very supportive. We went on to appoint a Non-executive Director once the programme was over.” – Tom Mathew, Dunsters Farm

“The Advisory Boards were a superb opportunity to get joined-up thinking across the whole of our business over a 12-month period. Through this strategic level of support, we’ll be able to make some real changes and grow our business.” – Helen Tonks, Hydraulics Onli