Motorway at night


Exciting new workshops with Cumbria Business Growth Hub

Cumbria Business Growth Hub offers a wide range of funded workshops for eligible businesses all year round. We have workshops booked in for the rest of the year, and are adding to the list regularly. See below some exciting new workshops and initiatives on offer:

Cumbria Growth Leader –  Leading into the Future

The series of workshops enables participants to work with others in virtual, small groups to learn through activity, reflection and consideration. They will also explore fresh perspectives of leadership, develop plans and strategies to accelerate leadership and learn and be able to instantly apply relevant tools and techniques.

Through the Growth Leader series businesses can identify ways to overcome their challenges and take their business forward. It provides the opportunity for senior decision makers to identify fresh thinking solutions, build leadership skills for the future and create a roadmap built around a clear sense of purpose.

  1. Fresh Thinking Leadership – Friday, 12th November, 2021, 9am-12.30pm
  2. White Water Leadership – Wednesday, 1st December, 1-4.30pm.
  3. Leading into the Future – Tuesday, 14th December, 1-4.30pm

Find out more about what each workshop will cover here.

Overview of Funding Products

In partnership with FW Capital, Cumbria Business Growth Hub is holding a session ‘Overview of Funding Products’, on Thursday, 18th November, 10am-1pm. This session will look at the different types of finance that might be available to your business – from the traditional high street lender to grants and alternative funding. We will dive into the pitfalls and benefits of each type of funding and which might be most appropriate for your business.

It will cover:

  • introduction to research & development
  • start-up loans & NPIF Microfinance
  • capital grants & grant funding
  • equity funding
  • financial statements and cashflow

The session is open to any business of any size, operating in any sector.

Business Immigration Update

Are you carrying out right to work checks correctly and meeting your legal obligations? Are you protected from civil and criminal penalties? Are you struggling to recruit and do you want to sponsor EU/non-EU workers to work for your organisation?

Join us on Tuesday, 30th November 10-11am, for this 1-hour session, Angela Barnes, Business Immigration Specialist at Napthens LLP, will guide you through the following areas:

  • the legal duty to prevent illegal working
  • right to work procedure changes (post-Brexit and COVID-adjusted checks)
  • how to carry out online and manual right to work checks
  • sanctions for employing illegal workers (criminal and civil penalties)
  • sponsor licence applications: the process, cost and pitfalls
  • other immigration routes: EU Settlement Scheme and Frontier Worker Permits

If you’re interested in attending any of the above workshops please contact Lesley Robinson, Business Support Manager at

Eligibility criteria do apply and only one place per business can be offered.