Motorway at night


Useful information, resources & available funding….

New Cumbria Economic Growth Board looking for representatives

Cumberland Council and Westmorland & Furness Council are looking for business representatives to join what will be the new Cumbria Economic Growth Board.

The new board will provide a strong business voice in strategy development and ensure decisions are taken in the best interests of people and places in Cumbria.

The Councils are looking for applications from ambitious business leaders, from business and voluntary organisations of all sizes to make a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to deliver strategic economic growth.

Applications are welcome from all business sectors in Cumbria – applications close on Sunday 7th July.

To find out more and apply click here

£500 vouchers still available to farming and land based businesses

Farming and land based businesses in the old Eden District Council and South Lakeland District Council areas can access up to £500 to help towards the cost of working with a consultant of their choice, thanks to funding through Westmorland & Furness Council’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Advice vouchers can be used for a whole range of consultancy support, for example:

  • Accountancy – operating more cost effectively and/or adapting to the changes in agricultural funding
  • Legal – Farm & property sales & purchase, partnership matters & disputes, Landlord & tenant law, Basic Payment Scheme & other grant schemes, agricultural wills & succession planning
  • Insurance – reviews, risk assessments, valuations
  • Planning – planning advice, preparing planning applications and helping farming businesses use Agricultural Permitted Development Rights to support farm growth and diversification
  • Architectural planning and design service
  • Marketing – plans, campaigns, website development, PR
  • Agricultural consultancy – specialised advice, support and guidance

No match funding is needed but businesses can choose to add more. We can however only fund work that has yet to start. It’s a really simple application process with only one quote needed (two if applying for over £2,000) and the voucher is paid directly to the business.

Anyone interested in applying should call 0844 2478450 or email

Food Standards Agency

The Food Standards Agency hosts a great range of information including risk assessments, food hygiene, allergen management, traceability and health & safety.

Click here to access the information

Looking to export?

The Department for Business & Trade (DBT) can help your business grow internationally through expert support, events and webinars.

We already have some very successful F&D exporters within the county and we’d be pleased to make an introduction to DBT on your behalf – any one interested in finding out more please email