Motorway at night


Last chance to take advantage of free training in Cumberland

We’ve been delivering a business support programme funded by Cumberland Council over the past few months. Our programme ends on 31st March so there’s one final chance to take advantage of the free training offered.

 Become a Scheduling Superstar

Date: Thursday 28th March
Time: 10am to 1pm
Venue: Online

Feel like time is running away with you?

Want to squeeze more out of your working week?

Want more work-life balance?

Then your schedule is key!


In this super-productive session we will look at top scheduling tips to get more stuff done in less time, explore when is the right time for you to do different activities for optimal effect, and give you some time to reflect on how you want your time to be spent… rather than time running away with you. Come join digital productivity specialist, Liz Hardwick, for a fast paced, top tips and activities full session!

By the end of this session you will know:

*How to best track your actions each week

*Learn what Chronotypes are and why they matters

*Top calendar hacks to optimise your time

*Questions to prompt your reflection of what you do each week, and where there might be wiggle-room for a better work-life balance

To book your place email