Motorway at night


Funding and useful resources

Small businesses struggle to spot fraud

Research by UK Finance has revealed that £42.6 million was stolen from businesses through authorised push payment fraud in the first six months of 2023. Push payment fraud is where businesses are tricked into sending money directly from their account. UK Finance has warned that small and medium-sized businesses can be more at risk as they may have fewer protective measures to detect fraud.

Read more about the research here

AI guidance for businesses

The Government has published draft guidance to help businesses upskill their workers’ understanding of artificial intelligence (AI) so they can use it safely in their day-to-day roles. The guidance sets out the key AI knowledge, skills and behaviours employees require, which include how to use AI tools effectively and the safe and secure management of sensitive data.

Click here to read more about the guidance

Customs controls on imports from Ireland

From 31 January 2024 some goods moving directly from Ireland to Great Britain will face full customs controls. Businesses importing goods into Great Britain from Ireland will need to complete import processes if the goods do not move through Northern Ireland.

Read more about the controls here

Child employment: A guide for employers

Children and young people of school age can work part-time provided they have a valid Work Permit.  A part-time or holiday job can be a good experience for children, providing them with work experience and employability skills while also earning a wage.

However, there are laws and byelaws governing child employment to safeguard children from harm or exploitation, and to ensure that their education does not suffer.

Click here to read more

Food Insecurity at the Local Level (FILL) Survey – Cumberland

Help Cumberland Council understand the extent of food insecurity and related issues in the area, by completing their survey.

The council has been working with the University of Liverpool to develop the Food Insecurity at Local Level (FILL) survey to measure the extent to which people in Cumberland are struggling to access food – whether for financial or other reasons – and what kinds of support services (if any) they use.

Until now, local authorities have had to rely solely on data from food banks and community groups in the local area to measure food insecurity. This can mask the true scale of the situation as not everyone who might otherwise benefit accesses these services.

The survey is available to everyone living in Cumberland over the age of 18 and the team encourages one adult per household to take part, regardless of whether they have experienced food insecurity or not.

Participants have the chance to enter into a free prize draw to win gift vouchers of up to £100.

To complete the survey click here or ring 0800 073 0348 where it can be completed over the phone.

The results will help better understand the situation in the Cumberland area and identify what can be done to ensure every household gets the support they need.

The survey is being led by Dr Rachel Loopstra at the University of Liverpool in partnership with the Council and researchers from the universities of Sheffield, Lincoln, Northumbria and the Independent Food Aid Network. This project has been funded by the University of Liverpool’s Partnership and Innovation Fund.

Expansion of support for exporters

UK Export Finance is introducing more flexible, fast-track financing for small businesses to make it easier for them to sell in international markets. This includes expansion of the ‘auto-inclusion’ scheme which provides fast-track access to trade finance products like the General Export Facility.

Read more about the changes here

Expansion of cash-basis accounting

The Chancellor has announced the expansion of cash-basis accounting to replace the accruals basis for self-employed taxpayers and partnerships from April 2024. Currently, businesses with total receipts below £150,000 are eligible to use cash-basis accounting. The expansion will make cash basis the default position for all self-employed taxpayers and partners.

Read more about the change here

Businesses don’t understand net zero

A survey by the British Chambers of Commerce has revealed that 43% of small businesses do not have details about the UK’s net zero target. The survey also found that 24% of firms reported some form of exposure to severe weather events, such as flooding and overheating, but are still are not ready to manage their green obligations.

Read more about the survey here

Aerospace funding programme to support SMEs in developing technologies to drive clean growth

  • New funding programme targeting cutting-edge SME aerospace research projects to advance net zero aviation and boost high-skilled jobs.
  • Worth up to £10 million a year, the programme will help secure more high-skilled aerospace jobs across the UK.
  • Funding provided through the Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI) will drive innovative UK SME research projects and grow UK’s share of global aerospace sector, helping to grow the economy.

Aerospace organisations across the nations and regions of the UK are set to benefit from a funding programme tailored to the needs of small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

The SME Programme, which sits alongside the ATI’s existing Strategic Programme, opens to applications in February 2024 and will offer grants of up to £1.5m. The competitive funding programme is designed to maximise benefits to SMEs and support and encourage industrial investment into the aerospace sector and its supply chain, through the funding of innovative and high impact projects.

A streamlined application process and grant funding weighted towards smaller organisations will engage the national aerospace ecosystem, building collaborative project partnerships and accelerating the development of ultra-efficient, zero-carbon and cross-cutting aerospace technologies.

Click here to find out more

2024 Made in the UK, Sold to the World awards

Do you have an exciting exporting story to tell? The Made in the UK, Sold to the World Awards are your opportunity to receive recognition for the exceptional growth your business has achieved by trading internationally.

You can apply to any one of the following ten categories:

  • Agriculture, Food & Drink  
  • Consultancy & Professional Services 
  • Creative Industries 
  • Education & EdTech 
  • Financial Services & FinTech 
  • Healthcare 
  • Infrastructure & Engineering 
  • Low Carbon Energy 
  • Manufacturing, Advanced Manufacturing & Construction 
  • Retail & Consumer Goods 

Visit DBT’s website for more information, including eligibility to enter, and to submit your entry.

Or submit your entry directly

Please note that the Awards will close on Sunday 14th January 2024. 

Why Small Business Matters Podcast – Northumbria University

Why Small Business Matters from Newcastle Business School at Northumbria University provides a platform for successful small business leaders to tell their stories, offer advice and unravel what it means be a successful modern SME.

Brought to you by the Help to Grow: Management delivery team at Northumbria University, the podcast takes a casual but inciteful look behind the scenes with contributions from rising entrepreneurs and leaders of established small businesses that have been trading for many years. It will find out what gets them up in the morning, how they’ve navigated recent challenges and their vision for small business in the region, the country and across the globe.

To find out more about the podcast and take a look at some of the episodes, subscribe here:

Community Orchard grant scheme

This £50,000 fund will support community groups, schools, charities and other organisations to establish community orchards in their local area in celebration of the King’s coronation.

The fund aims to support the planting of accessible community orchards across Westmorland and Furness.

The Coronation Community Orchard Fund will award grants up to £15,000 per group.

Grants will be awarded for orchards of a minimum of five fruit and/or nut trees planted until 31 March 2025.

This grant will provide capital funding for establishing a community orchard, including:

  • ground preparation
  • planting trees and tree costs
  • protection and irrigation

The deadline for sending your expression of interest is midday 08 January 2024. Click here to find out more