Motorway at night


Free webinars through Cumbria Business Growth Hub

We’ve one last webinar taking place through our ERDF funded support in June. But fear not, we’ll still be here offering other opportunities with another free webinar booked in for July.

Working from Home and Hybrid Working – Key Employment Law Issues/Solutions

Date: 21st June 2023
Time: 10am to 11am
Venue: online

Post-pandemic, working from home and hybrid working are increasingly common. Such working arrangements have their advantages (both for employer and employee) but also their risks and particular compliance issues.

Ensuring that the key issues arising from such arrangements are properly covered – both practically and from a contractual/policy perspective is key to success but also, if problems arise, to effective management for the employer.

This practical and “can-do” session will give you a grounding in the key issues by covering:

  • The key employment law compliance issues when staff work from home fully or on a hybrid basis
  • Practical arrangements that will give you the best chance of such arrangements succeeding and the upper hand if there are problems

Biological well-being taster – Learning to Listen to what your body is telling yourself, while you’re telling yourself you are fine

Date: 28th July 2023
Time: 10am to 11am
Venue: online

We all know about well-being and the impact of chronic stress on mental health – it’s nothing new and has been talked about now for years.

But what about the biological effects of chronic stress? Just what is stress, why do we feel it and what changes does it trigger within our bodies?

Join Dr Zoe Billings for a one hour free webinar and find out answers to those questions. Zoe will take you through the evolution of stress and the changes that occur in two whole body systems when our stress pathways are activated. She will help you to recognise when those pathways are activated for too long and some proven methods to relieve them.

This taster session is part of Adapt and Evolve Consultancy’s half day biological well-being workshop that covers five whole body systems which are negatively affected by too much stress, as well as lots of effective, simple and quick ways to counteract the damaging effects when your stress hormones stay too high for too long. The workshop is designed to reduce sickness, improve your performance and support staff retention, leaving you better able to care for yourselves, your colleagues and your families.

To book onto any of the above please email