Motorway at night


Calling all 18-35 Year Olds in Cumbria – Have your Say on Cumbria’s Economic Future

The Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership’s Futures Forum is hosting a major economic forum on Cumbria’s Economic Future and would like to extend an invitation to 18-35 year olds in the county to come and have their say on the issues that matter.

The event will be a combination of personal development activity (with attendees receiving their own Insights report), keynote speakers and interactive workshops to consider key issues that will impact on Cumbria’s economic growth.

The workshops will consider issues such as:

  • Sustainable Cumbria – accelerating our Net Zero ambition
  • Great Place to Live and Work – attracting and retaining young people based on our unique offer (jobs, housing, lifestyle etc.)
  • Developing our Talent Pipeline – career opportunities, educational offer, new sectors, new industries etc.

The event is taking place from 9.30am to 4.00pm on Wednesday, 1 February 2023 at the North Lakes, Hotel, Penrith CA11 8QT. Places are limited, and demand is expected to be high, so please do book early, using the following link: