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Workforce Development Service Pilot procurement

Cumbria Chamber of Commerce has for over the last ten years ran business support activity through Cumbria Business Growth Hub.

Cumbria Business Growth Hub now has a need to strengthen its existing offering by adding a Workforce Development (WFD) Service Pilot offer to our current suite of activities. The intention behind this pilot is to trial provision of a service which will support Cumbrian SMEs to review their skills needs and access relevant training more effectively.

Support will be offered to established businesses as well as start-ups through Cumbria Business Growth Hub and our Business Start-Up Support programme.

We’re looking for someone who can deliver an experienced, knowledgeable and impartial WFD
service including:

  • Working with SMEs to undertake Training Needs Analyses, produce training plans and budgets and, ideally, embed this learning in the business
  • Helping businesses to identify and source relevant training and development, which may be funded or paid for, engaging with the Skills Hub and wider providers
  • Bringing together groups of businesses to enable sufficient cohort sizes delivery/cost effective delivery, and where appropriate arrange bespoke delivery
  • Engaging with training providers to ensure their own awareness and understanding of the options available
  • Supporting activities to raise the awareness and understanding of training options in the business community
  • Any other relevant WFD related activities which emerge as the pilot develops

Full details on how to apply can be found here.

Instructions for submission

Submissions should be sent by email to Lesley Robinson marked ‘Confidential – Tender Enclosed’ to reach us by no later than 9am on Friday 22nd April.

Project Funding

Cumbria Business Growth Hub and Business Start-Up Support are part funded by the European Regional Development Fund.

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