Motorway at night


Allerdale GDF Community Partnership Recruiting New Members

The Allerdale GDF Community Partnership has launched a campaign to recruit around seven new members to join them, as they work to broaden the conversation about whether Allerdale could be the right place to build a Geological Disposal Facility, or GDF.

Formed in January 2022, the Partnership sits at the heart of an official Government consent-based siting process which is exploring if Allerdale could be a suitable host for a Geological Disposal Facility, to dispose of the UK’s higher-activity radioactive waste.

The Partnership are eager to hear from any local individuals with experience and knowledge of the Search Area, to create a Community Partnership that is both representative and diverse. Members will ensure that people in or affected by the Search Area have continued opportunities to engage, be involved and have their questions answered, and will work with the community to develop a vision for the area.

The Interim Chair of the Allerdale GDF Community Partnership, Mary Bradley, said: “As a group we are passionate about the local area and are determined to build a strong Community Partnership that is reflective of our community. This is a major infrastructure project that could have a big impact and it’s important that everybody is represented. We welcome applications from anyone over the age of 18 who lives in the search area and can represent their community, work or special interest. Anyone who is interested in joining us but would like to know a bit more can get in touch for an informal chat before making an application.”

Grant funding of up to £1 million annually has been made available by central government for the Allerdale GDF Community Partnership, and as well as new members, the group are seeking to recruit Community Investment Funding Panel members to help consider applications and award grants.

The Community Partnership are also inviting local people to join their general interest and topic-based stakeholder forums and are encouraging expressions of interest through the same application process.

Applications for any or all of these roles can be made online by visiting the Allerdale GDF Community Partnership website or contacting the Community Partnership on 0300 369 0000 to request an application pack.

The closing date for applications is Friday 8th April at 12 noon.

Visit: www.allerdale.workinginpartnership.