Motorway at night


Protect your business from cyber criminals

Cyber security needn’t be a daunting challenge for small business owners.

Following the five quick and easy steps outlined in The Cyber Security Small Business Guide could save time, money and even your business’ reputation.

Cyber Security

Implementing these steps will protect your business against the vast majority of cyber threats:

  • Backup your data
  • Prevent malware
  • Keep your devices safe
  • Use passwords to protect data
  • Avoid phishing attacks

Peter McCall, PCCCyber Security in Cumbria

Cumbria Chamber of Commerce recently promoted a seminar on cyber security for businesses with Cumbria’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Peter McCall.

Listen here as he explains why the issue is so important …

Access the guide

Download The Cyber Security Small Business Guide here

This guide can’t guarantee protection from all types of cyber attack, but the steps outlined can significantly reduce the chances of your business becoming a victim of cyber crime.

For more information visit the Small Business Guide for Cyber Security.

  • Cabinet office