Motorway at night


Cartel Awareness Campaign

Bid rigging infographicCartels are formed when businesses agree not to compete with each other.

Price-fixing, bid-rigging and market-sharing are some of the most serious types of business cartels.

Business cartels are unfair – they cheat customers, who end up paying more for lower quality goods and services.

That’s why they are illegal and it’s the job of the CMA (Competition and Markets Authority) to investigate them.

Penalties include fines of up to 10% of your business’s global turnover, being disqualified as a director or even going to prison.

Access the CMA Guide to Cartels here

Access the CMA SME Compliance Guide  here

Learn why cartels are bad for the economy and how Competition Law helps businesses put their customers first

The CMA offers a lot of support in this area, including case studies, advice and guidance and useful videos.

Check out the links below to find out more:

Stop Cartels web page here

CMA Facebook page here

CMA Twitter page here

CMA YouTube channel here

CMA LinkedIn page here

Get in Touch

To find out more contact the Competition and Markets Authority at: Email: Tel: 020 3738 6000

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