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Case Studies

Case Study: The Guild Coworking

The Guild is a shared office space in Carlisle which offers hot desking and coworking solutions to local businesses and professionals. Clients are provided with desk spaces, meeting rooms, private offices, and a kitchen over two floors of a stylish and modern building in Carlisle’s Historic Quarter.

The business was founded over four years ago by Keith and Jacqui Jackson who, together with their son Dan, own business consultancy firm, Thomas Jardine & Co. They had taken on the building the year before which was originally built as a Cub Scout Hall, then a Student’s Union before being used as a storage facility.

Aided by Dan – who has since taken the lead with the business – they renovated the building, redesigning it as a light and airy office space complete with trendy décor, house plants and seating areas to relax. The aim is to emulate working from home, with music on in the background and free hot drinks from the kitchen, but without the distractions of house work to do and family members dropping in.

At first, the Guild catered mainly to freelancers who needed a space to hold meetings or have a break from working from home. However, with many businesses closing their offices during the Coronavirus pandemic, the Guild has since seen an influx of larger clients, whose staff work mainly from home but also need a space to meet and work in person.

The Guild’s current clientele are an eclectic mix of local businesses, from tech and software companies to animation studios and a recruitment company for major music festivals. Partner at the Guild, Dan Jackson, notes the collaborative and creative effect working at the Guild has on local businesses. For example, after meeting and working side by side, two of Dan’s clients went on to develop an app together which traces food recalls.

Dan first got in touch with Cumbria Business Growth Hub when the Guild needed a new website. We were able to provide the business with a 40% subsidy on the money they had to spend. The finished website can be seen here.

“Our experience with Cumbria Business Growth Hub was fantastic, we received a subsidy that allowed us to improve our website and create a brand new video showing off The Guild attracting new members to our community. From first contact with Lesley to the assistance through the process and confirmation of our subsidy with Paula and Paul our experience was smooth, professional and painless, we would and have highly recommended it!”

With working from home set to stay, combined with rising overhead costs for businesses, it is likely that many businesses will be looking at alternative office solutions like those offered by the Guild. Looking ahead at the company’s future, Dan said:

“We aim to continue expanding our growing community of incredible businesses and professionals in our brilliant local area! Giving them a space to develop and grow and most importantly love where they work!”

Does your business need a helping hand? We’re here to help!

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ERDF logoThe Growth Hub is receiving up to £2,528,767 of funding from the England European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020. The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities is the Managing Authority for European Regional Development Fund. Established by the European Union, the European Regional Development Fund helps local areas stimulate their economic development by investing in projects which will support innovation, businesses, create jobs and local community regenerations.  For more information visit