Motorway at night

Business Start-Up

Envision360 Limited

Envision360 LimitedDesigning and maintaining a website can be a challenging exercise for those of us without the necessary skills which is exactly the position VR photographer Bryan Scott found himself in when forming his company Envision360 Limited.

The company specializes in 3D VR applications, which are used by a wide range of industries. It offers a variety of unique and marketable photography and marketing services, including a 3D virtual modelling platform.

To enable Bryan to maximise the value of his website he decided he would need to develop the skills required to build and manage it himself. He signed-up to the BSUS WordPress for Business workshop, one of several digital skills courses available through the Growth Hub.

“It delivers a great insight on how to set up and run a WordPress site for your business. The course also offers a broad range of topics which helps you understand about domains, plugins, page posts and how to add images.

I found the course to be interesting and very informative. It’s set in a comfortable environment with no added pressure, whatever your competency level may be and any technical questions were answered in a manner which could be understood. I would highly recommend anyone who runs a small business to attend this course.”

The course has given me the skills to better manage the technical aspects of websites.

Bryan clearly felt the course was worthwhile and given him the confidence to take on tasks which were originally beyond his capabilities.

“The course it has captivated and energized me, I have broadened my knowledge on not only WordPress but with other technical aspects of online technology. I can now embed plugins to ease the smooth running of my pages and solve minor technical issues, some of which I may in the past had to address by paying for technical support.

I can now engage with providers confident that I have some background knowledge; I can post articles and blogs which I never could beforehand. The course certainly lays the foundations to building, maintaining and delivering a good website.”

Get in Touch

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