Motorway at night


Available funding

We’ve a couple of grants available in the Westmorland & Furness area.

£500 voucher 

Land based businesses in the old Eden District Council and South Lakeland District Council areas can access up to £500 to help towards the cost of working with a consultant of their choice, thanks to funding through Westmorland & Furness Council’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Advice vouchers can be used for a whole range of consultancy support, for example:

  • Accountancy – operating more cost effectively and/or adapting to the changes in agricultural funding
  • Legal – Farm & property sales & purchase, partnership matters & disputes, Landlord & tenant law, Basic Payment Scheme & other grant schemes, agricultural wills & succession planning
  • Insurance – reviews, risk assessments, valuations
  • Planning – planning advice, preparing planning applications and helping farming businesses use Agricultural Permitted Development Rights to support farm growth and diversification
  • Architectural planning and design service
  • Marketing – plans, campaigns, website development, PR
  • Agricultural consultancy – specialised advice, support and guidance

No match funding is needed but businesses can choose to add more. We can however only fund work that has yet to start. It’s a really simple application process with only one quote needed (two if applying for over £2,000) and the voucher is paid directly to the business

Click here to access the application, related paperwork and guidance notes.

£500 start-up grant

Those looking at becoming their own boss and taking the plunge into self-employment can access free support – one to one adviser time and our four day business start-up course. Part of support is the opportunity to apply for a £500 grant towards start-up costs – a business plan is needed to support any application but adviser support can help alongside any other areas of support needed.

Anyone interested in finding out more please email – support is available in the whole of Westmorland & Furness.

Coming soon…. Revenue, capital and tourism grants for businesses in Cumberland – if you’d be interested in finding out more email – the capital and tourism grants will require an Expression of Interest submission which will be reviewed by a grant panel, those successful will be invited to submit a full application.

The revenue grants will be a simple application and depending on the amount requested you’ll need one or three supplier quotes.