Motorway at night


Voucher scheme for land based businesses

As part of support we’re delivering through Westmorland & Furness Council’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) and Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF) programme we have 243 vouchers on offer for land-based businesses in the old Eden and South Lakeland District Council areas.

This voucher scheme supports land-based businesses in the Westmorland & Furness area to access advice to help:

  • overcome the challenges facing them and respond positively to opportunities, for example through cost reductions, productivity enhancements and growth
  • respond to the phasing out of the Basic Payment scheme, as well as the wider challenges and opportunities, including diversification

The term ‘land based’ traditionally relates to farming and industries connected to the land and environment, including, for example horticulture, forestry, conservation, landscaping, equine (horses), country sports, land management and agricultural contracting. It can also include some support services to these activities and some food production. If you’re not sure please contact us to check.

The application process is really straightforward – vouchers are £500 towards consultancy costs. Anything under £2,000 only needs one quote, over £2,000 requires two quotes.

We also have limited spaces for business adviser support on offer to any business in the old Eden and South Lakeland District Council areas. Advisers will offer 3hrs of support – general, visitor economy or access to finance.

To register your interest in applying for the voucher scheme or adviser support please email