Motorway at night


Fully funded support for businesses in Cumberland

Thanks to funding through the UK Shared Prosperity fund via Cumberland Council, Cumbria Business Growth Hub has just launched a business support programme for individuals and businesses in Cumberland running until the end of March 2024.

We’ve developed a great new programme for businesses, with support including:

  • Training courses – Developing awesome new products and services and bringing life back to existing ones; Refocus, reinvigorate and restart with a Growth Mindset; Leadership excellence
  • Helping your business hit peak performance, fast! (series of 5 sessions)
  • 3hrs business adviser to help with areas including access to finance, marketing, digital marketing, sales & pricing, business planning, funding and applications, HR, supply chain as well as general business support
  • Training through the Farmer Network
  • Online Business Resource Centre – instant access to comprehensive online business support including more than 2,500 items of content such as articles, guides, FAQs, case studies, toolkits, checklists, weekly news and blogs
  • Adviser awareness raising activity
  • Signposting to other business support activity/funding where appropriate and available

Support through this programme is only available until 31st March – for  more information on any of the above visit Cumberland UK SPF – Cumbria Growth Hub, email or call 0844 2578450