Motorway at night


Training & events

Working from Home and Hybrid Working – Key Employment Law Issues/Solutions

Date: 21st June 2023
Time: 10am to 11am
Venue: online

Post-pandemic, working from home and hybrid working are increasingly common. Such working arrangements have their advantages (both for employer and employee) but also their risks and particular compliance issues.

Ensuring that the key issues arising from such arrangements are properly covered – both practically and from a contractual/policy perspective is key to success but also, if problems arise, to effective management for the employer.

This practical and “can-do” session will give you a grounding in the key issues by covering:

  • The key employment law compliance issues when staff work from home fully or on a hybrid basis
  • Practical arrangements that will give you the best chance of such arrangements succeeding and the upper hand if there are problems

To book your place email

Biological well-being taster – Learning to Listen to what your body is telling yourself, while you’re telling yourself you are fine

Date: 28th July 2023
Time: 10am to 11am
Venue: online

We all know about well-being and the impact of chronic stress on mental health – it’s nothing new and has been talked about now for years.

But what about the biological effects of chronic stress? Just what is stress, why do we feel it and what changes does it trigger within our bodies?

Join Dr Zoe Billings for a one hour free webinar and find out answers to those questions. Zoe will take you through the evolution of stress and the changes that occur in two whole body systems when our stress pathways are activated. She will help you to recognise when those pathways are activated for too long and some proven methods to relieve them.

This taster session is part of Adapt and Evolve Consultancy’s half day biological well-being workshop that covers five whole body systems which are negatively affected by too much stress, as well as lots of effective, simple and quick ways to counteract the damaging effects when your stress hormones stay too high for too long. The workshop is designed to reduce sickness, improve your performance and support staff retention, leaving you better able to care for yourselves, your colleagues and your families.

Book here


Cumbria Innovations Platform (CUSP II) and Innovate UK: Women in Innovation

This special and long-awaited event is brought to you by Cumbria Innovations Platform and Innovate UK – Women in Innovation.

  • Women in Innovation Event 16th June 2023
  • North Lakes Hotel & Spa Ullswater Road Penrith CA11 8QT
  • 30 – 2.30pm

Disruptive innovation – when diverse minds and ideas come together.

Women in Innovation is a national programme that gives trailblazing women entrepreneurs the support they need to take a big step forward with their business and address pressing societal, environmental, or economic challenge. This year, Innovate UK will invest up to £2.5million to high potential women innovators. Up to 50 winners will receive a £50,000 grant, plus tailored mentoring, and business support.

This special and long-awaited event is brought to you by Cumbria Innovations Platform and Innovate UK – Women in Innovation.

We know that very few Cumbrian businesswomen apply for Innovate UK grants, and few are nominated for Women in Innovation Awards, which is why we are collaborating with Innovate UK to bring expertise to Cumbria for this special event.

Dr Giulia Sirigu (She/Her/Hers) Scaleup Director & Senior Innovation and Growth Specialist with Innovate UK EDGE will be sharing her knowledge and experience of funding for innovation and will give an insight into how you can apply for future Women in Innovation Awards.


  • 10:00 Registration
  • 10:30 Welcome and introductions
  • 10:40 Innovation in Cumbria
  • 11:00 Innovate UK & Innovate UK EDGE – awards, funding opportunities & support
  • 12:00 Lunch – networking
  • 1:00pm Women in Innovation, No Limits and Innovate UK Competitions: funding surgery and application process – Dr Giulia Sirigu
  • 2:00pm Guest speaker
  • 2:30pm Close & networking

Click here to book your place.

For more information about Cumbria Innovations Platform (CUSP II) click here

There’s also a promotional video you can watch by clicking here


What’s coming up on UK Export Academy in June…

Below are dates and details for the Department for Business and Trade’s  virtual “Essential” modules, intensive series, masterclasses, sector, and market specific events running in June.

12th June – 2pm to 3pm – online – Essentials: Considering customs procedures (part 1 of 2)

Ensuring your goods get from A to B is essential when you start exporting

14th June – 2pm to 3pm – online – Essentials: Deciding your pricing strategy and routes to market for overseas sales

British companies often under-price their goods and services, don’t fall into that trap. Join this session to explore the best ways to approach your pricing and the influence your route to market may have on your pricing strategy.

14th June – 10am to 12noon – online – Doing business in Germany

Germany offers long-term potential and many opportunities for UK businesses offering innovative, quality products. It’s the UK’s second largest export market.

15th June – 2pm to 3pm – online – Essentials: Considering customs procedures (part 2 of 2)

Building on part 1, in this session we will talk though how to identify tariffs for your goods, help you understand other customs requirements such as valuation and county of origin, and provide you with an overview of how customs declarations are made.

19th June – 10am to 11am – online – Essentials: A guide to getting paid when selling overseas

Getting paid is one of, if not the most important parts of running a successful business, but how can you ensure your business’ cash flow when trading overseas? In this session we will cover some of the most important issues for getting paid for your exports, including payment options, currency issues, export credit insurance and how UK Export Finance can potentially support you.

20th June – 1pm to 2pm – online – How free trade agreements can help you export

If you have an interest in any of the markets covered by recent agreements (US, Japan, Australia, New Zealand) and a ready-to-export product or service, join us in this session where we will explore the key features and benefits FTAs offer.

20th June – 10am to 11am – online – Essentials: What are Incoterms and how should they be used?

Incoterms are a set of internationally recognised rules which define the responsibilities of sellers and buyers in the export transaction. Join this session to learn what they are, what they do and how you select an appropriate Incoterm for your global trade transactions.

26th June – 2pm to 3pm – online – Essentials: Understanding export controls

Did you know that export controls affect around 5% of exports? In this session we will take a look at why we have export controls and what sort of products are restricted or prohibited in global trade. We’ll also explore dual-use items, the UK export licensing system, and finally embargoes and sanctions.

28th June – 10am to 11am – online – Essentials: How to sell your service overseas (part 1 of 2)

In the service sector? Join the first in a special two-part series focusing solely on selling services overseas. We’ll explore the key challenges and practical considerations of exporting your services business, and how to use to do further research to get you started on your export journey.

29th June – 2pm to 3pm – online – Essentials: How to sell you service overseas (part 2 of 2)

Join us for the second in a special two-part series focusing solely on selling services overseas.

29th June – 11am to 12noon – online – Consumer & Retail: Explore export support for the consumer and retail sector

Richard Hall, Head of Retail, Judith McElhinney, Head of e-Commerce and Jose Richart, Lead Trade Adviser for Retail, will take you through why exporting your consumer and retail business makes good business sense, along with how DBT can support you on your business’ journey to international growth. They will take you through trends in the market, available support in the e-commerce field, and there will be time for you to ask Richard, Judith and Jose your burning questions about getting started with growing your consumer and retail business internationally.

30th June – 10am to 1pm – online – Essentials: An introduction to exporting (part 1 of 2)

Want to fast-track your exporting know-how? We have you covered with an intensive version of our Export Essentials sessions, condensed into two half day sessions. In the first content-packed session, we’ll be discussing how your company can maximise success in overseas markets. We’ll cover the benefits and barriers of exporting; how to conduct your international market research; devise your pricing strategy and routes to market and how you can ensure you get paid when trading overseas.

If you’d like to attend you will need to register and to create a personalised account here , you can then pick and choose preferred content.


International Exhibitions: How to Boost your Return on Investment

The Department for Business and Trade (DBT) is inviting businesses from across the Northern Powerhouse to join a free workshop, designed to help you get the most out of international exhibitions.

Taking place on Wednesday 14 June between 09:30 and 15:30, the interactive workshop will provide you with all the tips, tools, and advice that you need to improve your performance at international trade shows and boost your returns.

The workshop will cover:

  • Exhibitions in a post-covid world – what’s different?
  • Selecting the best event to invest in.
  • SMART objectives – 70% of exhibitors don’t set any objectives.
  • Managing cash – when to spend and when to save.
  • High impact stand design tips.
  • Getting in early – Why pre-show marketing is vital to your success.
  • Selecting your squad – why your sales team might not be your most effective exhibition crew.
  • Filtering and focus – ensuring your time is spent talking to the right people.
  • And not forgetting follow-up. Bear in mind conversions take time, so be patient and persistent if you have a good lead.
  • Calculating return on investment – possible only if you have set SMART objectives.

Find out more and register here:

If you have any queries, please contact