Motorway at night


Drop-in sessions Allerdale & Copeland

As part of the support offered through our Business Start-Up Support programme we’re holding two drop-in sessions.

The sessions have been designed to offer free support and advice to anyone thinking about self-employment to those young businesses looking for help to move the business forward.

Running between 10am and 2pm, anyone can just pop in and speak to members of Cumbria Business Growth Hub’s adviser team, Barclays Eagle Labs, Dodd & Co and representatives from Allerdale and Copeland Borough Council’s.

As part of the sessions the Growth Hub team will also be on hand to explain more about the range of business support on offer including one to one advice, free training/seminars/workshops and subsidy support.

Wednesday 8th February – Lakes College, Hallwood Road, Workington


Wednesday 15th February – Barclays Eagle Lab, The Bus Station, Bransty Row, Whitehaven

“It still amazes me the number of people and businesses who don’t know about the great range of support on offer. Self-employment can be a scary and lonely experience, Cumbria Business Growth Hub is here to make sure you’re supported on your journey and can set up and grow a successful business.” Lesley Robinson, Head of Business Support, Cumbria Chamber of Commerce.

To find out more about the Business Start-Up Support programme click here – we’ve supported hundreds of businesses and you can read more about their experiences and the help we’ve been able to deliver by clicking here