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Case Studies

Case study: The Poocher

Daniella Moorby spent 25 years working in senior management roles in some of Dubai’s most luxurious five-star hotels before moving to Penrith and launching her own business whose flagship product might surprise you!

The Poocher is a portable dog poo bin designed for dog owners as an easy solution for dealing with their dog’s waste. The idea came from Daniella’s business partner Daniel Garret who was appalled after hearing the news of two horses dying after eating plastic dog poo bags discarded in nature.

Both dog owners themselves, the pair realised that many of the walking trails in the Lake District lacked facilities for safely getting rid of dog waste. Not wanting to carry the bag with them, dog owners sometimes choose to leave the dog poo which harms to the environment and can be a danger to animals and humans.

Daniella and Daniel felt they had to do something so developed the idea of a portable dog poo bin, which allows dog owners to carry the dog poo with them in a scent-proof container until they reach an appropriate place to dispose of it.

The business was launched in July 2021 and product development got underway as well as the construction of their website and online presence. The finished product was then officially launched in October 2022 in four different colours and features including a plastic core, a neoprene casing, a strap and belt loop.

Cumbria Business Growth Hub supported Daniella and Daniel while they developed their product and adapted to running a business. Daniella said:

“Cumbria Business Growth Hub has helped me in my pre-start phase. I was put in touch with strategic government organisations such as the Department of International Trade to support me with my export strategy, I attended their workshop which I found very useful, especially those related to VAT and accounting, and my 1-2-1 sessions with CGBH business advisers gave me hands-on feedback and advice on my strategy.”

It’s set to be a busy few months for Daniella and Daniel as their product has now hit the market. They plan to lead the charge with a social media marketing campaign – across Facebook, Instagram, YouTube TikTok and more – educating dog owners about the dangers of improperly disposed of dog poo while marketing the Poocher as viable solution.

“The future for the Poocher: The Poocher is the most convenient and hygienic means of being a responsible dog owner and will continue delivering informational marketing content to increase international awareness on how much discarded dog poop is harming the environment and influence responsible discarding of dog poop to promote minimal environmental impact. The Poocher will be made accessible worldwide via international shipping until such time as the Company signs exclusive Sole Distributorship franchise agreements with companies worldwide.”

Visit the Poocher’s website here.

Our Business Start-Up Support programme is supported by Eden District Council.

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The funding that supports the Growth Hub comes from a range of sources including Cumbria Chamber of Commerce, the European Regional Development Fund, Sellafield Ltd., Carlisle City Council, South Lakeland District Council, Penrith Industrial BID and Cumbria LEP. The Growth Hub is receiving up to £2,528,767 of funding from the England European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020. The BSUS project is receiving up to £1,112,686 of funding from the England European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020. The Ministry for Housing Communities and Local Government is the Managing Authority for European Regional Development Fund. Established by the European Union, the European Regional Development Fund helps local areas stimulate their economic development by investing in projects which will support innovation, businesses, create jobs and local community regenerations. For more information, click here.