Motorway at night


Made Smarter: Leadership Programme and Innovation Competition

A national programme backed by UK Government and business, the Made Smarter North West programme is set to engage with 3,000 SME manufacturers across the region, to make the UK the global leader in the creation, adoption and export of advanced digital technologies.

Made Smarter Leadership Programme

Feel overwhelmed by the move to digitalisation? Concerned that it may cause issues amongst your workforce? You’re not alone.

Many leaders experience this when first adopting new technologies. The programme has been specifically designed for manufacturing leaders to guarantee seamless operational change and manage employee expectations.

Through the Made Smarter Leadership Programme, business owners will be able to become responsible leaders who can grow their organisation through technology.

You will get a greater sense of the relationship between digitalisation and responsible leadership. We enable you to develop a clear digital strategy and effectively put into practice all the knowledge you’ll receive from expert academics and business practitioners. You’ll work with peers to address and solve the challenges your business faces.

Next available start date: North West Region – 26th January 2022. Find out more about the Leadership Programme here.

Made Smarter Innovation Competition

Made Smarter has launched a new collaborative research and development competition focusing on sustainable smart factories. This funding call presents a huge opportunity to launch a wide range of projects that bring a significant benefit to our planet, helping to achieve net zero.

Consortiums of UK registered business and organisations can apply for a share of up to £20 million for digital innovation projects that will reduce the carbon emissions of manufacturing processes in factories. The aim of the competition is to support the development of digital innovations to improve the sustainability of manufacturing processes, resulting in either reduced material or reduced energy consumption.

Applications are encouraged from consortiums comprising a mix of manufacturing and technology development capabilities working together on innovative developments or novel applications of digital technologies. Projects can range from £1m to £8m, can run for up to 2 years, and can tackle themes from reducing in-process material losses to better sequencing manufacturing operations to reduce energy consumption.

Find out more about the competition here.