Know Your Business International Trade Export Support Service

Export Support Service

Export Support Service

What is the Export Support Service?

The Export Support Service is a new helpline and online service where all UK businesses can get answers to practical questions about exporting to Europe. It gives access to cross government information and support all in one place.

Who can use the service?

If you are a UK business you can use this free service, no matter the size of your business or which part of the UK you are based. We work closely with devolved administrations and other government departments to help make the service as useful as possible for every stage of your exporting journey.

How do I access the service?

You can access the Export Support Service by visiting GOV.UK/ask-export-support-team or by calling 0300 303 8955. You will be put in touch with a member of our dedicated export support team.

Which markets does the service cover?

The Export Support Service will initially focus on questions businesses have about trading with Europe but may expand to cover more global markets in the future. You can find support and information about exporting to countries outside of Europe at

What types of questions can I ask?

The service provides information and guidance for queries about exporting any products or services to Europe and will help you navigate existing guidance on GOV.UK

Can I ask more than one question at a time?

You can ask more than one question about exporting to Europe and will receive a tailored response. Response times will depend on the complexity of your query, but we aim to respond in a maximum of 10 days.

Department for Business and Trade have created this presentation to help explain about the Export Support Service.