About Us Business Directory
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Find Cumbrian Businesses

Business Directory

Our directory is designed to help you to link up with a wide range of Cumbrian businesses, from leading accountants and solicitors to award winning food & drink producers and retailers. Search our listings to find your perfect match.

Not listed?

Businesses who feature in our directory have discovered it’s a great way to raise their profiles, develop contacts and stimulate sales. If you’d like your business to be listed, register for an account today!

Premium Listing Option

If you’d like your business or organisation to have a more prominent category listing, we can also offer a ‘featured business’ premium listing. Available to book at £50 (+ VAT) per month, this is a ‘first come/first served’ service that will help to get your business noticed in searches. 

For more information, please contact us at info@cumbriagrowthhub.co.uk.

Business Directory
