On behalf of Barrow Borough Council, Cumbria Action for Sustainability are offering free support to SMEs in the Barrow area to help reduce carbon emissions.
Benefiting from fully funded, one-to-one support, ten businesses will get a carbon footprint calculation and a building energy audit. Businesses will also benefit from an environmental impact audit and receive recommendations for reducing energy use, renewable energy generation and other top tips to reduce the business’s carbon footprint.
To be eligible for support businesses need to:
- Be classed as a micro, small or medium-sized business (see definition here)
- Be private sector business
- Have a business address that is within Barrow Borough Council
- Have the authority from the business owner to participate in the programme
- Commit to engaging with us within the timescales
Eligible businesses will be selected on a ‘first-come-first-served’ basis until all places are filled.
Find out more at www.cafs.org.uk