Placemaking, marketing, destination marketing, publishing, innovation in tourism
About Tapir Ltd
WHAT We work in placemaking, destination creation and enhancement, tourism marketing, publishing and sales.
We have drawn together an eclectic team of professionals with in-depth experience of a wide range of disciplines from design and architecture to publishing, audience development, destination marketing, tourism and change management. Between us, we average about 25 years experience in our specialisation. We have worked in a diverse range of markets from property development and construction to consumer electronics and third sector Arts and culture.WHYWe are drawn together by our pragmatic, evidence driven approach to business and our ambition to innovate. We always focus on R.O.I.SKILLS Our skills set offers a potent mix of pragmatism and creativity, thinking and planning, traditional skills and high tech, art and science, deft touch detail, impeccable logistics and grand scale vision.IDEAS Our goal is to generate ideas, products, platforms and activities that endure and are founded on insight and experience.AMBITIONSWe’re ambitious for ourselves and our clients. We aim to make a real difference and not just tinker at the edges or accept convention. SPIRITIn a spirit of creative collaboration and endeavour, we bring our different skills, individual interests, passions, and personalities to work.RESULTS Our focus is always on the commercial effectiveness of what we do. We focus on ROI - not always financial ROI, because that isn't always what the customer wants.