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Equip OC

Equip Outdoor Consultancy Ltd aims to enable everyone involved in the Learning and Development industry, or involved with provision of Experiential Learning, to provide a high quality intervention or learning journey. We excel in providing <a class="read-more" href="https://cumbriagrowthhub.co.uk/listing/equip-outdoor-consultancy-ltd">Continue reading <span class="screen-reader-text">"Equip OC"</span> <span class="meta-nav">…</span></a>

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About Equip OC

Equip Outdoor Consultancy Ltd aims to enable everyone involved in the Learning and Development industry, or involved with provision of Experiential Learning, to provide a high quality intervention or learning journey. We excel in providing a client focused professional team who always go the extra mile to make sure your Learning and Development intervention gets its desired outcome. Our team have been involved in developing people and changing industry for over 15 years in all sectors. Apprentice, Graduate, New Appointments, HiPo, Middle management, Senior Management and Directorship. Please feel free to contact us to discuss further. Duncan Shaw Managing Director